100cm +
Yes! The first 100 cm +. To be precisely, 105 cm. The fish was taken on a floatfished deadbait. It was my second pike for the day as I took a smaller one before. Temperatures had risen notedly to some 8 degrees. All in all it was a typical dull autumn day with occasional slight drizzle.

autumn in Sweden
fly in snow
To get as much fishing as possible on an autumn day, it's essential to start early in the morning. At 7.00 a.m. Kristoffer an I step outside Bergsgården and we're surprised - the first snow! It' s probably minus 4 degrees and it takes us some 10 minutes for only getting the oars of our boat fixed. We've hired a boat from Forhagaforsen Fiskecenter to fly fish beats 1 ot 3.
To make things short, I took two small pike and Kristoffer lost one of around 3 kg. We saw other fisherman taking fish on deep fished softlures. As they had an engine on their boat they were slightly faster in reaching the favourite spots. Well, as all of us know - "He who comes too late is punished by life"!

To make things short, I took two small pike and Kristoffer lost one of around 3 kg. We saw other fisherman taking fish on deep fished softlures. As they had an engine on their boat they were slightly faster in reaching the favourite spots. Well, as all of us know - "He who comes too late is punished by life"!

electro fishing
At Ranån we checked the fish population via electro fishing on a stretch of 40m. Besides two minnows we exlusively got brown trout between 4 and 23 cm. After measuring, all fish were returned safely. It was interesting to see at which special places the trout preferred to stand. Maybe transferable knowledge when it comes to practical fly fishing at other venues...