
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday we spent out fishing without a single fish being caught. Thursday and Friday evening we fished two spots in Vänern that were recommended to us. The targeted fish was "Lota lota" (burbot).

Saturday and Sunday we proved river Klarälven for pike. Some days before two colleagues had superior fishing on a secret spot downstream Forshaga. We tried one of "our" backwaters that produced good fish in autumn.

That’s life! But good company and humor saved the fishless weekend. 


Since yesterday I proudly own four ice fishing rods that will hopefully meet some hungry pike next weekend. And not to forget Lota lota - there was one caught of 3kg in a nearby lake today...

ice pike!

We’re sitting with our chairs on the frozen surface of a lake somewhere in Värmland. We must be doing something wrong because we’re not running like the other anglers around us. Within the first two hours of fishing we observe numerous fish being caught. Daniel is the first of us to run to his rod - nothing! Then two inert bleeps from my bite alarm make me run next. 


Oh yes, my first ice fishing pike! Emil and Gustav assist me with the landing and unhooking of the fish while Daniel puts it all on film. I only have to play the fish and pose - great service!


After that I manage to take even another fish. While already packing up it is Gustav to take the last fish for the day. Tackle and technique prove to be o.k. but in the end we are too slow in spotting the fish.

back to business

After 10 seconds of fishing the first fish for 2011 was caught - a perch on pimpel rod from Idresjön, Dalarna. Unfortunately this fish remained the only one. As there is no serious skiing in Värmland the trip to Idre was designated for this type of activities.

Back in Värmland there is hopefully lots of ice fishing to come within the next weeks. Tomorrow the second term at Forshaga Akademin is going to start with courses like sport fishing tourism and the commercial boat licence.

Have a great fishing year!


               magnificent Städjan after sunset



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