Now the season is officially opened! Below some pics from this year's Sportfiskemässan in Stockholm. Besides all the tackle it was really nice to meet some of the former Forshaga guys - Henrik from Mörrums Kronolaxfiske, Lord Rickard and not least Christian.
One of the hottest new products for 2014 is the Westin swimbait. Some dealers on the fair had it for sale and it was completely sold only a few hours after the fair had opened. Retail price ca. 229 kr.
the remaining ones, safely locked!

pike on fly?

no more ice
Ten days ago some sheltered bays in lake Bunn were still ice-covered. Some critical spots like the small channel at Roten were covered with huge ice flakes. The float trolling brought one pike of roughly 4 kilos. It took at 6 meters depth. All attempts with slowly fished softlures remained without the slightest action. No pike in shallow water yet.

Last Saturday I found a spot with lots of echoes in Mellan Bunn. But stormy conditions made float trolling difficult and no fish came up. Sunday then Landsjön: moderate wind but shunshine. 4 pike up to 2 kilos, all over weed beds at 2-3 meters depth. Again float trolling was the winning method.