autumn fishing week
What a start into the meanwhile traditional autumn fishing week! I already arrived on Sunday morning and tested a quite unknown spot. Expectations were low and the camera was left in the car. After only six hours I finished for the day. The best fishing of the whole season so far! The plan was to save the spot for the upcoming days.
But the fishing became slower and slower. At the beginning of the week, morning and evening proved to be very productive. Lures, preferably very big ones, fished down to 5 m delivered quite well. The last day we had to go deep - very deep. All bigger fish seemed to be lying on the bottom. Luckily Robban brought some frozen herring with him that would save the day. One fish cracking the 1m mark took at 10m depth, at a trolling speed of 0.5 knots.
Thanx for cooking and dishwashing, Robban ;)

Only two days after the trip temperatures dropped to subzero. A very early taste of winter with ice and snow destroyed all further autumn fishing plans so far.